Excerpt from Residential Development Guidelines
Richmond/Knob Hill Community Association
Residential Development Design Guidelines
July 2011
Generally speaking, the Association supports the rules, policies, principles and guidelines laid out in the above documents and wishes to see them followed in any development that takes place in Richmond/Knob Hill. In addition, the Association has a particular interest in the following issues when reviewing applications for development permits for proposed developments in Richmond/Knob Hill:
Land Use
As noted above, most of Richmond/Knob Hill has been assigned an R-C2 land use designation. Exceptions include the triangular area in the southwest corner of the community between 33rd Avenue SW, RichmondRoad and Crowchild Trail South (commonly referred to as “the Wedge”), which has been designated R-C1,and certain parcels along 17th, 26th, and 33rd Avenues and Crowchild Trail, which have been designated for either higher-density residential or commercial use. The Association’s general position is that the current land use designations are appropriate and allow for sufficient densification. Accordingly, with the possible exception of parcels that border any of the corridors referred to above, the Association will generally oppose any application to redesignate a parcel to a higher-density or commercial land use. Developers and homeowners should also be aware that, in addition to being zoned R-C1, parcels in the Wedge are also subject to a 1952 Canadian Pacific Railways restrictive covenant that places additional restrictions on the development and use of those parcels, which restrictions include, among other things, a one and a half storey height limit. Proposed developments on parcels located in the Wedge should therefore be designed to comply with both the R-C1 restrictions and the additional restrictions imposed by the CPR restrictive covenant.
![Restrictive Covenent map Richmond Park[43].jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/1aea8f_4003171e0ec447bd9b370e54f4cb0c69~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_600,h_776,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Restrictive%20Covenent%20map%20%20Richmond%20Park%5B43%5D.jpg)
Links to Restrictive Covenants in other Communities:
Rutland Park development and restrictive covenant info
Rutland Park Community Association - Development
Elboya Britannia
Caveat discussion scroll down to Brtiannia Caveat sub committee
Development & Planning — Elboya Britannia Community Association
Caveat document