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Viscount Minto Board Presentation Nov 14, 2023

Minto provided a first look at their proposal for redevelopment of the site.

Their land use plan was submitted to the city Nov 15.

This is going to be a high rise/high density development with no single family or duplex units

The slide show they presented can be accessed via this link.

It is also on our website in the Viscount file folder


-2,500 units (over 200 UPA (Units per acre)) The wedge is approximately 5 UPA

- Green space- 1.8 acres previously 9 acres

- west entrance change to mid-block on 25 Street

-Building heights - maximum: 8 stories, 15 stories and no maximum for the 3 land use categories

Land use definitions

M-H1 Multi-Residential - High Density Low Rise District (M-H1) M-H1 is a multi-residential designation that is primarily for 4 to 8 storey apartment buildings that may include commercial storefronts. Land Use Bylaw - M-H1 M-H2 Multi-Residential - High Density Medium Rise District (M-H2) M-H2 is a multi-residential designation that is primarily for apartment buildings of varied height (4 to 15 storeys) that may include commercial storefronts. Land Use Bylaw - M-H2 M-H3 Multi-Residential - High Density High Rise District (M-H3) M-H3 is a multi-residential designation that is primarily for high rise apartment buildings (no predetermined maximum height) that may include commercial storefronts. Land Use Bylaw - M-H3


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