The City has complete Phase 1 of its engagement around the temporary installations at 21 St. and 33 Ave. SW. Engagement feedback was collected in January 2021. A full report on what they heard is available at, along with other information on the project.

Here's a brief summary of key points:
-This area was chosen based on feedback from the Marda Loop Community Association and residents along 32 Avenue S.W., along with other considerations such as policy and technical analysis.
-The measures were intended to decrease short-cutting and reduce volume of vehicles on the street; provide all-directions access for pedestrians and cyclists; and retain vehicle access to homes.
-Phase 2 of public engagement to understand the effectiveness and impacts of the temporary installations will occur in May and June. Stay tuned!
-Eventually, permanent measures based on evaluation of the temporary measures will be installed, based on availability of resources and coordination with Main Streets work.