Looking for a new place to walk your dog off-leash? Richmond/Knob Hill and its neighbouring SW Calgary communities give us many options. We (and most importantly the pooches) are very lucky to have all of the options compiled on this Google Map created by the Richmond/Knob Hill Community Association.
Top five off-leash dog parks for Richmond/Knob Hill resident dogs:
Richmond Off-leash Dog Park: The dog park on the east side of Crowchild at the end of 22nd St SW is quite quiet and has lots of room to rip around.
Killarney Off-leash Dog Park: The dog park at 21 Ave and 25A St SW, located to the west of Crowchild, is fenced and has a lot of regulars. It is relatively small compared to other parks but has just enough room for your pooch to pick up some speed.
Shaganappi Park: Great views of the city and a hidden spring in the trees makes this park a great treat for water-loving dogs and view-seekers. This park is located at 14th Ave and 25th St and is part of the Shaganappi Community Association grounds.
River Park: You need to drive to this park but it's a big draw for dogs all around the area who love long walks and lots of socializing. The parking lot is located on the south end of the park at 50 Ave and 14A St SW.
Bankview Off-leash Dog Park: Great for those ball-loving dogs who never get tired running up and down a steep hill! Located at 23rd Ave and 18A St SW.

I confirmed that it is still an official City of Calgary dog park. It's just not named so it's harder to find. Here's where it's located if you're having trouble finding it: https://goo.gl/maps/aWSVj6HtFNMoPhky8. It's a nice little spot; hope you enjoy it.
For the life of me, I can't find this "Richmond Off-leash Park". Am I blind, or has it been repurposed?