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SURVEY on Changes to Land Use By-Law (LUB) 


SURVEY on Changes to Land Use By-Law (LUB)  Sept 30, 2024

We encourage you to take the survey

Also consider sending your comments and thoughts to Councillor Walcott at

Your board supports and endorsees the following :

--Secondary suites should be counted toward the number of dwelling units for density purposes


--Minimum parking requirements need to be set by the City, not the developer, across all land uses


--Maximum dwelling unit density should be spelled out for all residential and mixed- use built forms


--Special policy areas for natural areas, parks and schools should always be open areas (ie. not developed)


The City is looking to change the Land Use Bylaw to a hybrid bylaw with zones and built forms.  They have opened up engagement with a survey.  For those who aren't familiar with planning, some of it may be confusing.  You will need to click on the links to learn about each section.  If you don't want to do that, you can simply fill in the check boxes and write in the comments.  In terms of important areas that need to be addressed, here are some simple things—


Secondary suites should be counted toward the number of dwelling units for density purposes.  Minimum parking requirements need to be set by the City, not the developer.  Maximum dwelling unit density should be spelled out for all residential and mixed- use built forms.



Thank you for staying engaged.


The Board


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