The Richmond/Knob Hill rink has seen record use this winter, resulting in our operational costs doubling at the same time that we haven't been able to generate revenue from hall and rink rentals due to Covid restrictions. The rink has always been free to use and we expect that at a minimum it will cost $2,000 to operate this year. Please consider helping the community association cover these operational costs.
The Richmond/Knob Hill Community Association is now set up to accept one-time or monthly donations on-line using Paypal or credit cards. 100% of donations will go towards community community association programming, the hall, rink, and grounds. Donations are not tax refundable.
If you've had a great time using the new skating paths and two rinks at the Richmond/Knob Hill Community Association grounds, please consider donating what you can, either through Paypal or personal cheque.
