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RKHCA AGM - Tuesday June 20 at 7pm

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

Community Members be sure to attend the AGM this Tuesday, June 20th at 7pm at the RKHCA Main Hall. Our new board will be elected at that time. There are several open positions and it's a great opportunity to support your community! This is also a chance to volunteer in other capacities as a committee member, organize a Community event or just come out and meet your neighbors.


Tuesday June 20th, 2023, RKHCA Main Hall.

  1. Call to Order

    1. Welcome and Meeting Rules

    2. Confirmation of Quorum/Community Members

  2. Approval of 2022 Special General Meeting Minutes

  3. Approval of Audited Financials

  4. Guest Presentations (If present)

  5. President's Report

  6. Facilities Report

  7. In Memory: Lloyd Bumstead

  8. Nominations

    1. Explanation of voting process,

    2. Nomination & election of board

  9. Summer Needs & Plans,

  10. Adjourn

Hope to see you there!

Kevin Widenmaier

President, Richmond Knob Hill Community Association


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