From the City of Calgary:
"Through the 2019 budget cut process and Golf Course Sustainability Strategy, Council approved the Richmond Green Golf Course Closure notice of motion. It was permanently closed that September at the end of the 2019 season. This decision will ultimately help The City work towards its goal of achieving a break-even budget and long-term sustainability for municipal golf course operations. The closure of Richmond Green Golf Course resulted in a total net reduction of $150,000 in budgeted Golf Course Operations tax support in 2020.
Following the closure of Richmond Green Golf Course, Calgary Recreation recommended repurposing the golf course into a temporary disc golf course, for one to two years, to keep the site activated and open to the public for as a short-term opportunity until a long-term future use for the property was identified.
o Disc golf is a flying disc sport in which players throw a disc at a target; it is
played using rules like golf. It is usually played on a course with 9 or 18
o There are more than 10 other disc golf facilities in Calgary operated by
other providers or organizations.
While The City planned to work on the disc golf infrastructure at Richmond Green in the spring, the work was delayed due to COVID-19. As COVID-19 continued, Calgary Recreation focused their attention on how to safely offer golf services in the summer by rethinking processes and implementing health and safety protocols. Resources were not available to re-visit the interim use project until August, at which time preparations for a broader planning review of the site were already underway.
At the November 2, 2020 Combined Meeting of Council, Council directed Administration to conduct a real estate feasibility assessment that substantiates the various Corporate needs at the remaining land at Richmond Green to determine disposition opportunities that would be of benefit to the City. There are complexities at this site due to underground infrastructure.
At this same meeting, Council directed Administration to prepare and implement a plan to accommodate disc golf as an interim use at the former Richmond Green golf course site starting in 2021 and until such time that a future redevelopment plan has been completed and implemented. This planning work for disc golf will commence this month (January 2021)."
