RNDSQR is in the process of creating a new development proposal along 33 Avenue SW adjacent their CY33 project (now nearing completion). RNDSQR purchased the remaining twenty-two-hundred block properties along 33 Avenue SW in 2020, and has been working with a greater project team that includes S2 Architecture to develop a project vision and design concept. RNDSQR would like to begin a conversation with neighbours and local area stakeholders. As RNDSQR rolls out the initial design concept and begin our outreach process, they would like to give everyone an opportunity to engage with the project team. To make sure neighbours know how to reach us, RNDSQR will be sending out postcards to surrounding area residents as well as large format on-site signage. Visioning and concept information about the proposal is available at www.arc33.ca with built-in feedback form and project newsletter sign-up. To maximize a transparent and inclusive opportunity for all stakeholders and local organizations to engage with our full project team expertise, three digital information sessions are scheduled in March. These dates align with a future concurrent Development Permit submission underway, and will be an enhanced opportunity to share more information and project details. RNDSQR will be bringing together key project expertise from architecture, planning, through to civil and transportation engineering to answer questions and hear feedback. Information on how to preregister and participate in one these sessions is on the RNDSQR Events page.

The above link will take you to a development map to see the RNDSQR application. Comments on the proposed redesignation are open until March 18th.