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New Volunteer Opportunity: Treasurer

The Richmond Knob Hill Community Association is seeking a motivated individual with financial and money management knowledge to fill the role of Treasurer. To fulfill this role, the individual will serve on the board of directors and would support the broader board by providing financial reporting and guidance.

GENERAL DUTIES: Gives regular reports to the board on the financial state of the Community Association.

  • Acts as signing officer, with another officer, for cheques and other documents.

  • Keeps accurate financial records for the Association.

  • Deposits money, drafts, and cheques in the name of the Association and to the credit of the Association in the banks and depositories designated by the board.

  • Disburses Association funds and issue cheques and drafts in the name of the Association as ordered by the board.

  • Oversees the work of the bookkeeper hired by the Association. This work includes: entering all transactions in the journal and balancing monthly; reparing monthly financial statements in a timely manner for the Board; preparing all files and records for the annual audit and AGLC reporting; and providing annual budget to the board for members' approval

  • Ensures development and board review of financial policies and procedures

  • Ensures audited financial statements are prepared by the appointed auditors and presented at the Annual General Meeting

  • Appoints independent auditors subject to approval by members.


  • Solid understanding of accounting and financial management principals

  • Strong organizational and supervisory skills


  • Approximately three (3) hours of effort in a typical month – in addition to monthly board meeting

  • Some months may require up to five (5) hours of effort for annual events such as budget or audit preparation

For more information or to express interest in the role, please contact Jill Law – Volunteer Coordinator at


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