This just in from the City of Calgary:
"Construction on 33 Avenue S.W. Main Streets project sidewalk improvement will commence on July 20 between Crowchild Trail S.W. and 22 Street S.W. To ensure workers have space to work safely, pedestrian and vehicle traffic will be detoured around the construction area. During construction the following closures will be in place:
33 Avenue S.W. westbound (north) sidewalk will be closed 24 hours a day
33 Avenue S.W. westbound curb lane will be closed daily between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Pedestrians will be asked to detour to the eastbound (south sidewalk) at 22 Street S.W. and the Crowchild Trail S.W. interchange. Construction (and related closures) is expected to be completed in September."
