Are you interested in growing your own food, learning about gardening, and being part of the Richmond/Knob Hill community garden? Do you have family or friends who would like to try their hand at gardening this summer? The community garden is a chance to enjoy the outdoors with a great community. The garden is currently fully subscribed but you can be put on the wait list for this year or next year.
Plot rentals are $25/season and renters must have a current RKHCA membership. Plots will also only be officially granted once a gardener has an up to date membership to the community association and has paid the $25 garden plot rental fee.
Every gardener is required to sign up and dedicate themselves for some of the mandatory volunteer tasks ensure the garden is well maintained for this year and in the future. Volunteering helps you get to know one another at the same time.
We look forward to gardening with you this year!
