The latest Provincial Government budgets include cuts to programs that are essential to the upkeep of community association grounds and represent a 50% decrease in funding from 2019 to 2021. These cuts affect the CFEP (Community Facility Enhancement Program) and the Community Initiatives Program (CIP) that are administered through the City of Calgary's CCG (Capital Conservation Grants). This is the fund most organizations with facilities, including Richmond/Knob Hill Community Association, utilizes for building, grounds, and rink maintenance. This information was provided by the Federation of Calgary Communities.
Anticipating that the Richmond/Knob Hill Community Association may have more funding issues than in the past due to these provincial budget cuts and realizing that there are opportunities that require funds to make our community even better, Richmond/Knob Hill is looking for a fundraising director. Community members can also e-mail Leela Aheer, the Minister of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women at and cc our MLA, Nicholas Milliken, at if you have any questions or concerns about these funding cuts.

The Fundraising role holds a position on the Board of Directors. As such, the Fundraising Director must be prepared to adhere to Board of Director Principles as described in addition to the role requirements.
FUNDRAISING ROLE REQUIREMENTS: Requirements of the Fundraising role include:
Commitment to the work of the organization
Willingness to serve on committees and attend committee meetings
Attendance at monthly Board meetings, committee meetings when needed, Annual General Meetings, and membership meetings
Support of and participation in special events
Active role in fundraising planning and activities
Member in good standing of the community association
Knowledge and Skills in the area of communication and fundraising
The term of a board member shall commence after election of the Board of Directors at each Annual General Meeting. The term shall be one year and the individual in this role will be eligible for annual renewal as voted by membership. Removal of a Board member shall also follow guidelines set out in the bylaws.
Fundraising role includes:
Chair the Fundraising committee, maintaining records of minutes for the Secretary and providing information to the Board on committee business.
Report on all aspects of fundraising and grant initiatives at the Annual General Meeting.
Recruit members for the Fundraising Committee.
Work closely with Board Executive to establish fundraising objectives.
Work with the Fundraising Committee to develop and implement plans to achieve the Board’s fundraising objectives. May include such activities as:
Soliciting sponsorship for Association’s special events (i.e. AGM)
Coordinate volunteers and complete application and documentation for casino
Researching applicable fundraising alternatives available to the Community Association
Develop volunteer roster and secure volunteers to work at Casino
Liaise with the Communications Director to ensure the Community’s residents are aware of fundraising activities, and sponsors are adequately acknowledged for their contributions.
Prepares, with assistance of the Treasurer, written reports on gaming events and submits the reports to AGLC with assistance of the Treasurer.
Applies for grants, licenses and maintains all financial records with assistance of the Treasurer.
Understanding of board governance
Fundraising experience an asset
Excellent communication skills including written, listening, speaking
The Board of Directors is the legal authority for the Richmond Knob Hill Community Association. As a member of the Board, the Director is in a position of trust for the community and is responsible for the effective governance of the organization.
The Director keeps current on matters affecting the Community and participates in the Board’s deliberations and decision in matters of policy, finance, programs, personnel and advocacy.
The Director must assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees and Community to enhance Richmond Knob Hill Community Association ’s mission and vision.
