On February 3, 2020, the City of Calgary Council approved a Notice of Motion (PFC2020-0131) to provide $30 million for public realm improvements in established areas under the Established Area Growth and Change Strategy. The approval provides the strategy with dedicated funding for public realm improvements.
This funding will come from anticipated corporate program savings, via favourable investment income from 2019. The project team has completed Phase 1 of the project and have released a What We Heard/Did Report and a Project Report that will be shared with the the Priorities and Finance Committee on April 29, 2020.

The Richmond/Knob Hill Community Association submitted a number of requests for improvements within the community and the project team recommended improvements to the sidewalks and pathways of the 26 Ave SW corridor.
Please see EAGCS Phase 1 Recommendations Report below for a complete list of recommendations.
Phase 2 of the project will expand on the foundational work done during Phase 1. This phase will identify longer-term, sustainable strategies and tools to support growth, change and quality of life in existing communities. Currently, the project team is asking committee for additional financial tools and strategies to replenish the the Established Area Investment Fund.