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26th Avenue Engagement Update

This just in from the City of Calgary:

"Over Summer 2021, The City engaged stakeholders and the public to collect feedback on two projects as part of our Established Areas Growth and Change Strategy: 26 Avenue N.E. & Buckmaster Park. These projects aim to increase activity and mobility in southwest communities to make these neighbourhoods more enjoyable for everyone.

Due to COVID-19, the majority of our engagement efforts were virtual, resulting in 3,921 citizen visits to our website and a total of 350 contributions for the two projects.

From this feedback, we’ve compiled a What We Heard Report, which can now be found on our website. It summarizes our efforts and identifies themes and common questions for the project teams' consideration.

What’s next for 26 Avenue S.W.? Stakeholder feedback will be incorporated (as appropriate) by the team as they create designs that address key concerns around visibility and traffic. What's next for Buckmaster Park? We heard from the community about what they like as well as concerns at the park, which will help prioritize several infrastructure improvements. We will continue to inform impacted stakeholders of our progress on both projects, and anticipate sharing final designs in 2022.

To learn more and view the full report, please visit"


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