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26 Avenue S.W. Phase 2 Improvements Project - Seeking Input

The City of Calgary is looking for your input into the 26 Avenue S.W. Phase 2 Improvements Project.

We want to make improvements to 26 Avenue S.W. between 37 Street S.W. and 14 Street S.W. to provide a safe street for everyone including those walking, wheeling, driving and taking transit.

In Summer 2021, we asked for your input on 26 Avenue S.W between Sarcee Trail and 14 Street S.W. In 2022, as part of Phase 1, three intersections were updated between Sarcee Trail and 37 Street S.W. to improve pedestrian and traffic safety. For background about the project, visit

Now we want to hear your feedback on the safety and mobility improvements being considered for Phase 2 between 37 Street S.W and 14 Street S.W.

You can share your feedback in the following ways:

Online engagement – From June 1 to 22, share your feedback online at

Online information session for businesses – Attend our online presentation and discussion specifically for businesses on Wednesday, June 14 from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.Register at this link

Email – If you cannot attend this meeting and would like to discuss the project further, please email Please include ‘26 Ave Businesses’ in the subject line and the Project Team will get back to you.

Thank you for your participation and patience as we work to improve mobility and safety and make our neighbourhoods more enjoyable for everyone. We look forward to hearing your thoughts!


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